The tower of Pisa, completed around the year 1370, has steadily inclined over the centuries because of the clayey soils on which was founded until reaching a threshold of dangerous instability.
Its consolidation and stabilization has been one of the main and difficult challenges for engineering, especially for Geotechnics.
The tower is certainly one of the most beautiful and famous monuments in the world and could not be subjected to traditional consolidation interventions that would be risky for its security.
The technique of underdigging, shared and used by experts with the help of physical and numerical models, was reasonably considered the only compatible with the requirements of consolidation, restoration and preservation of the monument. The intervention reached the planned reduction of the slope and stabilized the tower stopping its progressive inclination.
In the Piazza dei Miracoli, the “Saved Tower” will be admired for many centuries as beautiful and majestic as over 600 years ago, at the time of its final consolidation.